Huamin steel balls company is a certified ISO 9001Company, specializes in the design, development, production, and servicing of high chromium wear resistant materials for grinding equipment in cement, mining and quarry industries.
Our manufactures High chromium cast grinding media which is wear, corrosion and impact resistant helps in efficient ball mill grinding.
Our grinding media is tailor made for each milling application. There is a wide range of alloying options which are decided after adequate test work and technical analysis.
Grinding by attrition is accomplished by numerous small balls of varying sizes from 15mm to 60mm,Chrome range from 10% - 30% and Optimum Hardness ranging from 60 - 69HRc in second chamber. These balls contribute significantly to the grinding efficiency of the mills. Quality control of the final product depends much on the quality of the balls used.
The value our products bring to the customers - doing more with less。
Chrome grinding ball is mainly used in thermal power , miningbuilding materials and other industries by crushing and grindingmaterials, in the use of the process , the ball will further improve itssurface hardness, wear resistance, while improving the millproduction capacity, high wear resistance, also maintain performanceover long periods of time. lt not only improves the grinding efficiency.reduces the time of stopping the grinding machine for selection andadding of the balls, but also extends the clearance cycle, reduces thelabor intensity, and has important significance for improving theoutput of the mill, ensuring the quality of the abrasive, and reducingthe consumption of power consumption and the grinding media.